Two distinctive systems – but both necessary for a company’s success!
Often the term “Management” is thought to be the same as leadership. However, managing a company does not mean leading a company! Good leadership with a weak management does not work and so vice versa.
“Leaders do the right things, managers do the things right.”
This quote means that leaders are deciding the direction to take and where the company wants to be at the end. The task of the manager then is to follow the decision of the leader. The manager takes over the work and guides the employees to the goal.
The “4 D´s” of time management – shorten your to do list and maximize your efficiency:
Do it – Get it done, the sooner the better.
Delegate it – If the task doesn’t suit you, get someone else to do it.
Dump it – If the task is not very important, forget about it.
Defer it – Come back to it later.